We have successfully coded a time stamp for the arduino system that can also transfer data on to a separate file like excel or notepad. However, getting this data to repeat on a memory card is still in the works. In completing this important step, we have realized two things: 1) it really helps to have a person who is familiar with the concepts of C++ to point out the obvious things and 2) our own knowledge in coding is still severely lacking even with a Maple background.
We still need to get the arduino to measure angular velocity and current. Hopefully next week will be just as productive.
Concentrate on measuring speed. Current will not be that hard to get going. Another relatively easy user interface issue is getting the Arduino to begin to record data when a button is pushed (loop until button press sensed). The built-in reset button can not be used for this. Having an LED light up when data is being taken would be good feedback for the user.
ReplyDeleteSend me your code and I may have suggestions.
For speed, begin by doing a calculation of what the rotation frequency (revolutions/second) of the drive wheels will be. Assume you will travel the 20 m track in 10 seconds, and the car has 4 cm diameter wheels. You will want your measurement to be accurate in this frequency range. Put the result up on your blog.
ReplyDeleteTry looking at this: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_FreqMeasure.html
I'll send another file to you directly on how to use a reed switch.