Project Overview

Project Overview

Background information

What is an Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source platform designed for prototyping projects.  Arduino can be used to read inputs from a variety of sources and can be used to control many physical outputs.  The clear programming environment makes it easy for beginners who have never been exposed to programming languages to use for their projects [1]. The purpose of this particular project is to examine the Arduino board and design a system that will effectively record and measure the electrical energy the D.C. motor of a solar sprint car is receiving from its solar panel. Figure 1 displays an Arduino Uno board.

Figure 1: An Arduino Uno board

What do D.C. motors do?

Motors are used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. In the case of solar sprint cars, the D.C. motor is used to convert electrical energy into the rotational energy needed to rotate the wheel on the solar sprint car [2].

Problem Overview

In many Junior Solar Sprint races, solar cars are typically timed as it travels a certain distance. With that information, only the average speed of the entire trip can be calculated.  What if a team designing a solar car wanted to measure the speed of a car within a particular time frame or at a particular moment in time? How would a team go about recording such data? Using an Arduino board to record such information is the primary motivation behind this project because the Arduino board is capable of storage the voltage that is being inputted into the motor by the car’s solar panel. With manipulation of stored input voltages, the speed of the car can be determined.

Design Constraints

An Arduino Uno Rev. 3 board, shown in Figure 2, will be used for this project.

Figure 2: Arduino uno board 

In addition, a bread board, shown in Figure 3, and a micro SD shield, shown in Figure 4 will also be used in order to assist in the operation of the Arduino Uno board.

Figure 3: Micro SD shield

Figure 4: Bread Board

If the Bread board is used, the number of pins used will have to be limited in order to prevent the overwork and heat of the Arduino system.

Since many of the Junior Solar Sprint cars will be small in size (Length Width and Height restrictions is 1’ by 2’ by 1’), any added mass will most likely impact the car’s performance meaning that the design of the Arduino device is limited by the constraints of the car. 

Pre-existing Solutions

As of now, there is no real pre-existing solution to the group's main objective. In its place are existing coding that will help aid in the creation of an actual device that will aid in the measurement of speed, voltage, and current. Below, in Figure 5 is a coding entitled Digital Read serial that that can potentially read voltage.

Figure 5: Digital Read Serial Code

Design Goal

The final coding design for the arduino is ultimately to measure, record, and display the speed, voltage, and current coming from a solar junior car. What makes this design project different is that the arduino will be measuring the voltage being inputted into the DC motor of the solar powered car and convert that into a numerical value for speed. The problem faced is that there is no existing code that allows the arduino to convert voltage to speed.   In order to make these goals come to fruition, the group will be finding existing codes that relate to the final goals of the design project. From the related existing  coding, the group will make an hybrid of all those code that will record the voltage input into the CS motor and convert that measurement to speed.

Project Deliverables

  • Continuously Read an Analog Signal and Convert the signal to Voltage
    • This function will enable the Arduino system to take voltage of the car's solar panel and translate it into usable data. 
  • Storage Function
    • This function will enable any data recorded by the Arduino system to be translated into charts and graphs for future references as well as findings to improve the nature of certain projects or experiments.  
  • Establish a Method of Obtaining the Voltages the D.C. Motor Receives and Using the Data to find the Speed of the Car
    • This function will enable the car to establish a speed gauge that is translatable into data. 
  • Find a way for the Arduino system to measure current while still measuring voltage
    • This function will help determine the basic parameters of the device.
  • Make sure the Arduino system successfully and efficiently works
    • If testing on a car does not work, more research and re-programming must be carried out for improvement. 

Project Schedule

Week 2: Continuously Read an Analog Signal and Convert the signal to Voltage.

Week 3: Storage Function.

Week 4: Establish a Method of Obtaining the Voltages the D.C. Motor Receives and Using the Data to 
Find the Speed of the Car.

Week 5: Find a way to measure current while simultaneously measuring voltage.

Week 6: Physical Design to Attach Arduino System to Junior Solar Sprint Car.

The remainder of the schedule will depend on the progress of the Solar Sprint teams; if the teams do not have a functioning car by Week 6, the project must go on and test the Arduino system on a D.C. motor powered by a Solar Panel or another source instead.

Project Budget

The required components needed to proceed are already provided free of charge. However, a second Arduino UNO board as well as electronic parts were purchased so several members of the team can explore the programming aspect of the Arduino. With the cost of the already mentioned items in mind, the projected cost of this project will most likely range between $50 to $70.

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