Update: After a week and half, a solution was discovered.
Kevin took out the code that displayed the data on the computer and had the arduino just soley write the info to the Micro SD. He tested it by adjusting the potentiometer to give 0 Volts before running the code and slowly adjusted the knob while the code was running until it reached 5 Volts.
In terms of following the proposed schedule, we are actually supposed to be attaching the finished arduino project to a solar sprint car. However due to setbacks in trying to get the arduino to do certain things, we are behind on schedule. The good (but also bad) news is that the other groups who are in charge of building the solar sprint cars are also behind, because no physical car has been built as of yet.
Much of this time has been spent researching codes for the arduino to process. However, this is also proving to be a difficult task.
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