Monday, May 21, 2012

Week 7 Update

I am not sure if the library provided from the site was supposed to be used, but it froze my computer so I did everything on paper instead.

Calculation of rotational frequency (revolutions/second)
-assumption: distance = 20 m
                    time = 10 s
                    wheel diameter = 4 cm = 0.04 m -> radius = 0.02
distance wheel has traveled in one full rotation = circumference of wheel
C = diameter(Pi)
C = (0.04) Pi = 0.126 m

distance of track = 20 m
To find how many full rotations a wheel must do to reach the distance:
-> 20/0.126 = 158.73 rev

So since rotational frequency is measured by revolutions/sec:

158.73 rev/10 s = 15.87 Hz

Hope this seems logical.

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