Monday, April 9, 2012

Week One: the beginning of the group project

Project Decision: 

For the Freshmen Design Project, the we decided to attempt to make an Arduino Data Logger system that was capable of measuring speed, voltage, and current. The three specifications listed are the minimum requirements needed to be be met by the end of the project. If we can manage to complete these three requirements, we want to do something more with the arduino system. However, we aren't sure what to add on.

As of now we, as a group, do not have any experience in computer coding other than working with the Maple program. 

Luckily for us, the site: provides a vast amount of useful information. 

According to the site, an arduino system is "an open source-electronics prototyping platform, based on flexible easy-to-use hardware and software."

The picture shown above is a pre-built arduino board but it can also be custom built by hand.

Things to Consider:
-More research is desperately needed. 
-Should the group buy an Arduino Board? (one is said to be provided)

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